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Meet Marta 


She is an advocate for technology policy that protects human rights. 


Marta is passionate about bridging the gap between the tech industry and government by connecting technologists with policymakers for high-impact projects.


Her current work focuses on mitigating weaponizable applications of emerging technologies and promoting responsible use, research and development of artificial intelligence.


Her Story >

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Marta holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in international studies and minor in French from the Ohio State University.


She is fluent in Ukrainian.


Marta got her start in the Midwest, working with policymakers at the Ohio House of Representatives. She rose through the ranks, from intern to legislative page and finally to Constituent Aide for the Speaker of the House.

She honed her policy skills in state government and worked directly with constituents, helping them navigate the legislative process and government agencies.

After moving to Washington DC, Marta worked as a research consultant for the Russia/Ukraine team at the Institute for the Study of War.


At the height of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Marta used her research and language skills to inform policy decisions on Capitol Hill and at the Department of Defense.


Her insights expanded public understanding of political affairs and security issues in the region.

As a Senior Associate at Human Rights Watch, Marta managed advocacy and research projects for both the Arms Division and Refugee Rights Program. She coordinated outreach to governments and NGO partners and supported operations for an international team. 

Her research focused on civilian protection in conflict zones: documenting global refugee policies and the harms caused by weapons of humanitarian concern. She uncovered the use of internationally banned cluster munitions in Syria and landmines in Ukraine. These findings were published in several Human Rights Watch publications and the annual Cluster Munition and Landmine Monitor reports.

Marta managed communications with external partners and worked within three global coalitions at the United Nations to advocate for policy change. She co-organized the 2017 Humanitarian Disarmament Forum in New York City, which drew 100+ attendees.

She completed researcher training at Human Rights Watch and was named an Emerging Expert by the Forum on the Arms Trade in 2017.

Marta moved to San Francisco to serve as Silicon Valley Lead for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots where she advised tech workers and companies on the ethics of using artificial intelligence in warfare and policing. She worked directly with engineers and roboticists to assess the potential human rights implications of developing tech for government, military and law enforcement use. 

In addition, Marta developed partnerships in the Bay Area and led outreach to civil society, local journalists, veterans, and academic and financial institutions on behalf of the Campaign’s global coalition of 150+ organizations. 

Marta provided expert testimony at the United Nations and represented the Campaign at several tech conferences around the United States. She also organized and hosted tech policy events in Washington D.C., New York City and the Bay Area. 

Marta serves as a Project Lead at CRDF Global, an international nonprofit which fosters science and technology diplomacy.


She implements trainings and grant programs on behalf of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.


Marta develops partnerships with civil society, academia, national labs, industry associations, and government representatives. Her portfolio covers projects related to arms control, emerging technologies, counter-proliferation finance, and international security.



Photo Gallery
Marta Kosmyna posing in the Human Rights Council room at the United Nations in Geneva.
Marta Kosmyna delivering a statement at the First Committee on Disarmament and International Security at the United Nations in New York City.


Marta Kosmyna at the 2019 Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems in room XIX at United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
Marta Kosmyna getting photographed in Times Square with the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots robot mascot.
Marta Kosmyna, Peter Asaro and Rasha Abdul Rahim in a green room production studio preparing for filming a video.
Marta Kosmyna posing in front of the Brooklyn skyline at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.
Marta Kosmyna sitting at a podium with a digital sign displaying the text civil society after delivering a statement to the United Nations First Committee on Disarmament and International Security in New York City.
Marta Kosmyna posing on the main stage in the United Nations Assembly Room in Geneva.
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